Thursday, August 16, 2007

So today is the 30th anniversary of Elvis' death. I have been watching E! Entertainment Television for the past hour or so (which will really surprise my husband). I'm astonished by what Lisa Marie had to go through growing up. The word divorce makes me literally sick to my stomach. I can't imagine what kids feel and have to hold on to after going through something like that. I thank God that I never had deal with that issue in my home.

God has a purpose for everything even if you have to go through the depths of hell before you get there. I am a firm believer in that! I currently have a friend that is going through a divorce because of an adulterous husband. It breaks my heart to hear some of the things coming from her children's mouths. They don't understand why daddy has a girlfriend and why mommy and daddy aren't together anymore. Its heartbreaking. If you guys get a chance please say a prayer for my friend.


Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...

Ugh, my link didn't work on my first comment! I am glad you re-joined the blogging world. I emailed you the website

hotroxboggsy said...
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Josh Boggs said...

Boy, it sure took you a long darn time to blog... I love you and love to read your blog. Just use it to speak your mind. I use mine to talk about riding, racing, working, etc. It'll probably help take the stress off of you while you're "cooped up in the apartment." Once again, I love you. You're so hot.