Monday, August 27, 2007

Josh and I were about to go to bed last night when he was checking a few blogs that he likes to read. Preston had posted a hilarious video from the Miss Teen USA contest over the weekend. We were uncontrollably laughing for about ten minutes because of this...


Mandy said...

lol - I heard this on the radio this morning. That poor girl was soooo confused!

Mandy said...

lol - I heard this on the radio this morning. That poor girl was soooo confused!

Stephanie said...

OMG! That is hilarious! Did you see Mario's face? He was trying very hard not to laugh! Way to go South Carolina, you make Georgia's schools look good :)

Daszzle said...

I'd read about this but hadn't seen it yet, oh my!

Stephanie said...

I got a realtor today, so I'm going to meet with him & look at several houses this week. I'm very excited!

Stephanie said...

I updated my blog with an answer to your question. And Sarah is going to start on Thurs. She had some things she had to get done before her mediation.

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

She was aaaall over the place. OUTSIDE of the US and the correct answer! LOL!